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Writer's pictureVeronica Irwin

Hygienic Highs for 4/20

Everyone can get a vaccine, but not everyone is vaccinated. These cannabis products will help you keep your session safe.


SF Weekly

Last year, we played it cool. London Breed’s statement was simple, straightforward, and, best of all, relayed in a typically stoner-like, circuitous tongue. “To be clear with people who come to San Francisco, on 420, to Robin Williams Meadow, to celebrate 420, do not come to San Francisco, on 420, to Robin Williams Meadows,” she said. We complied.

And yet, we all know how bad it felt. Some of us had been eagerly anticipating April 20, 2020. (The entire month was 4/20, after all.) We had stocked up on edibles, pre-rolled our joints, and exercised our lungs. The city’s move to fence-off Hippie Hill, albeit completely reasonable, felt like a stinging defeat.

This year, the stoners of San Francisco face much of the same. Hippie Hill is closed this Tuesday, and the city has threatened to have park rangers on the ready-to-issue citations. Our outlook on the pandemic, however, is a lot more bright. Many of us may venture out to smoke with our vaccinated friends. Others may enjoy a socially distanced, outdoor meet-up along one of the Bay Area’s beautiful hiking trails. And for the most hesitant, a wide range of live-streamed events from stoned yoga to a smoke sesh with Tommy Chong can keep you entertained while you get high at home.

If you do choose to socialize, however, safety precautions are still important. Sharing a joint or passing a bong with people outside your household is still risky. That’s why we curated a list of products more conducive to the pandemic, made for individual consumption.

Canndescent Pre-Roll Flights Five 0.7 gram pre-rolled joints | $55 Joints will always be a classic. No other smoking method allows you to get that clean, pre-flame taste, nor the satisfaction of the flamboyant gestures and glamour of a faux cigarette (okay, maybe that’s just me).

However, passing a doobie is a no-go when you could also be passing a deadly virus. Instead, pick up a pre-roll pack from one of your favorite flower companies. Our favorite pack is the Canndescent pre-roll flight, which allows users to choose between five different strains curated for effect. They’re perfect for your changing throughout the day, or if you’re distributing them amongst a crew that has different tastes. Additionally, though the top-shelf flower inside them is good enough to please the pickiest of weed snobs, their labels, noting each strain’s effect, are accessible for new consumers, too.

Wunder Delta-8 Canned Cocktails Four cocktails 2:2:4mg THC:Δ8:CBD | $16 Wunder’s Delta-8 cocktails are the ideal social lubricant for your awkward, post-vaccine reunions. That’s because they’re high in Delta-8 THC, a slight variant on our favorite chemical that yields heavier body effects and subtler psychoactive effects. Many call this cannabinoid “THC light.” Just one might be perfect, but because they’re not too sweet, it’s easy to knock back a couple. If you need a heavier dose, check out their “Higher Vibes” cocktails, filled with a whopping 10mg Delta-9 THC (the more common one) and 10mg Delta-8 THC in each 8 oz can.

Barbari 16 grams of herbs | $23 It’s easy to get a little ahead of yourself on 4/20. Everyone has a new strain or product they want you to try, and the sampling stacks up fast. When you need to slow down a notch (or, if you want to keep up but don’t have a high tolerance), dilute your joints with Barbari’s herbal blends. They’re processed in-house and lab-tested, so they’re a lot safer to smoke than lavender and chamomile from the grocery store bulk bin. “Car Sex,” made with mullein, white sage, lion’s tail, and raspberry leaf is the most conducive for socializing and will make whatever you’re smoking feel a touch more euphoric while decreasing the mind-muddying buzz of THC.

Kin Slips Sublingual Cannabis Strips 10 10mg strips or 20 5mg strips | $30 This year, 4/20 falls on a Tuesday. Maybe you can’t call off work but still want to partake discreetly. Maybe you don’t smoke, but hate how long it takes for edibles to kick in. Maybe you’d prefer a dose you can cut in half, or a quarter, even, because your tolerance is low. All of these are reasons to put some Kin Slips in your stash bag.

Kin Slips are basically tiny breath strips that are placed underneath the tongue and absorbed through blood vessels in the mouth. Most users tend to feel the effects in approximately 10 minutes, and they last for about four hours. Best of all, they’re perfect for pandemic seshes because of their super-sanitary packaging, with each strip individually packaged between two sealed-together pieces of paper. When you can’t find your hand sanitizer, you can pop one in your mouth without even touching the strip itself.

Kanha Cannabis Belts 2 50mg THC belts | $18 The 20th of April is the one day a year we Californians are practically given carte-blanche to get as high as we want. For many of us, that means super strong edibles.

Kanha’s sour cannabis belts are not for the faint of heart. Each package includes two belts with the texture and flavor of a strawberry Airhead and 50mg THC. The flavor is technically “strawberry lemonade,” and we recommend hiding them after you’ve eaten your preferred dose — otherwise, you might catch yourself finishing the package before it’s too late. Plan to be potted for the next 8 hours.

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